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Which Control Deck you think that it’s better in Modern?

It is quite a tough situation when you think Control deck in the Modern format. In the Modern, there is always consider as a gambling factor on the metagame. It depends on you that what deck you are considering. In the generalist, you there is no way to lose the deck that comes in the generalist.

Today, I am going to discuss the control option in the Modern. Here is some deck that comes beyond your expectation.


In the deck control, the most appealing is the U/W controlling deck. It is doesn’t matter that you choose Lightning Bolt, so it comes with the utility of picking creature. Now you can easily kill the deck with the help of Bolt and the Snapcaster. There is no aggressiveness to draw the U/W without pressuring anyone. In other words, you may found the interacting ability with Blessed Alliances, Condemen, Supreme Verdict and the Path to Exile. Additionally, you may get the ability for interacting with the help of Path to Exile, Blessed Alliance, Supreme Verdict, Condemn. Meanwhile, this is also helpful for interacting with the lands of opponents with the help of Spreading Seas, Tectonic Edge, or the Ghost Quarter.

U/W Control

In the Modern, the San Antonio was unified, it just means that you are unable to use the same card that comes with the 3 decks. However, this was given to the two players such as Affinity and the Jund. If there is an individual tournament, then it comes with the Greg playing. Additionally, U/W also played with Corey Burkhat.

U/W Control

The Greg version comes with Mana Leaks, Spell Snares, Condemns and it makes sense because Ancestral Vision has the 4 decks. There is also an advantage of surviving as well as resolving. Meanwhile, Ancestral Vision has no Corey. As a reason, it is impossible to get the advantages from Gideon Jura, Sphinx’s Revelation and the Supreme Verdict. I just think that both come with the consistency.


This deck comes in two flavors such as the Nahiri, However, the control deck is helpful to resolve the Nahiri, the Harbinger. Meanwhile, the Emrakul, the Aeons comes with the 8 loyalty of conjure. In the deck, we can assume that the Nihiri is quite good because it is helpful to control the plan.

U/W/R Nahiri

In the Red play, you will get the option of U/W/R Nahiri because this deck has got the popularity between the IRL tournaments and the Magic Online.

In all the other things the Mahiri comes with the few versions because of burn spell or splashing red such as the Lightning Helix and the Lightning Bolt or Electrolyze. The result occur that the creatures are unable to enter in the combat step like the Noble Hierarch, Steel Overseer or the Viscera Seer. However, one trouble occurs with this creature that it ignores the burn spell such as the Death’s Shadow, Tarmogoyf and the Eldrazicreature.

Blue Moon

This deck comes with the space of remarkable deck such as the U/W/R. In other words, it is quite better to get the combo and mana kills at the immediate point. If you want to win the game, then it could take 3 turns for winning the Nahiri.  The Madcap Experiment comes with the spot or wins the game. Those people who are not aware of the idea of combo work, also how to cast this deck. If you are looking in the version of Platinum Emperion then it is important to consider the best deck. Meanwhile, we can say that the Gerard playing need the 8/8 Merfolk deck.

Final Verdict:

It could be considered as the best choice when you choose only U/W. With the help of a combo deck, you will get the best creature that is helpful to deal. In case, you are finding the great matchups then you can control the deck easily. With the growth factor of U/W, I am becoming the fan of the Greg Orange.  Furthermore, I also like the Ancestral Vision because of Corey sideboard. I hope you like my post. If you want to discuss anything you can contact us directly.

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