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What Motivated Marcus Garvey to form His Philosophy?

Garvey was born in St. Anne’s Bay, Jamaica on August 17, 1887. He was a descendant of the Maroons, Jamaica’s first freedom fighters, and he was said to be proud of his “pure black blood.” At the age of 14 he left school for monetary reasons and moved to Kingston to grow to be a printer and educate himself outside the classroom. He traveled and joined organizations in Jamaica.

Who is Marcus Garvey?

Marcus Garvey was a publisher, journalist and Black Nationalist. He laid foundation of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL). Garvey was an advocate of the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements.

Facts about Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey devoted his life to the “uplifting” of Black Americans by creating the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). He alleged the only way for Black Americans to ever become equal in the world was to have their own businesses, government, industrial enterprises, and much more.

In 1920 with the aid of the UNIA he held a program on 31st March in Madison Square Garden in New York promoting the Back to Africa program. This program was designed to enlighten the Black Americans to return to the homeland of Africa.

A revolutionary farsighted with the belief that the Black’s only way to stay alive in America was through the foundation of a unified separatist empire in Africa. This idea in fact made many African government officials detest him.

What did Marcus Garvey push for African Americans to do?

Marcus Garvey is in olden times linked to the “Back to Africa” movement that encouraged the repatriation of slave descendants, and black solidarity within a unified Africa.

He travelled widely examining the status of blacks in Europe and America. He stanched that they could only pull off parity with whites by uniting under their African heritage. He was a chief leader in the Pan-African Movement, and also supported the continued colonization of Liberia in Africa. His movement of “African Redemption” became identified as Garvey-ism, and was one basis for the Rastafarian religious movement, where he is revered as a prophet.

Why is Marcus Garvey famous?

 He was famed for his “Garvey movement”. It was where over 8 million followers listened to him urge about how the African god is the only god. One of his mainly famed lines was, “A race without authority and power is a race without respect.”

What did Marcus Garvey urge African American to do?

Garvey pooled his pragmatic, wealth-producing drive with a strategic use of religious faith and zeal. He fully grasped the meaning of religion to black culture, and he was a master at incorporating its impact into the appeal of his leadership.

The amazing thing about this man is what he did with the utter strength of his own will. Marcus Garvey was a migrant into the United States from an economically unstable country just like thousands of other people in this time.

He came over from Jamaica with a request from Booker T. Washington. (Who died before Garvey reached America). He arrived with petite money, no friends and no ground to start an economically profitable life for him.

He had petite educational background and was a young black man in the racist country. What separated him from the rest of the West Indian people that immigrated to The USA? He had a visualization of black power and saw his people were being severely demoralized. He lived at a time when most black people, all over the world were deprived and exploited.

Black people didn’t believe good about themselves because they had no rights, expectations and nothing to look forward to. The white people who had supremacy and money did not value African cultures.

By the power of words and influence he talked to his people and helped them understand their beauty and gave them hope.

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