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What is a Blog Post and How Does it Work?

The term blog is indicative of weblog which refers to an online journal, usually maintained by an individual with regular updating that people used to record their opinions, stories and other writings.

Before the era of blogging, it was all about physical appearance as the web has grown and changed, blogs have gain more recognition and can be used to ease group working.

A blog encourage thoughtful learning. A blog is neither a diary nor a journal but includes elements of both to keep a record of achievement and of interesting material. The way a blog is typically organized allows the reader to re-contextualize post according to categories and dates as well as allowing the user to use key words to search for posts in any topic.

Advantages of Blogging

You are your boss

Unlike any other typical job, you don’t need to work for hours. You are the boss and you can plan your work with your ease.

A blog allows you to write anything from anywhere, and have it be immediately available to billions of people all around the world in a jerk.

Imagine how you are able to pick up your children from school at 3 ‘O’ clock when you work in 10 to 5 job. You need to find other alternatives in this situation. When you are a full-time blogger, it is possible for you to stop all your engagements with the blog at any time of the day for carrying out any other chores. As you are your own boss or may be the one and only boss of your business, it is really an immense experience.

Networking Worldwide

Static websites don’t catch the attention of many new clients or customers. Except for a regularly well-run blog can turn out a constant stream of good leads from all around the world.

A Blog consists of a series of posts made by one or more bloggers. The posts come into view in a reverse chronological order, with the most recent post at the top of the main page. Every single post is archived, and is usually sorted into categories.

One of the vital benefits of blogging is its feature that aids us to network with a wide range of bloggers from different walks of life across the globe. Interacting with people from poles apart country and culture may lead to friendly relations with them that may help you start new ventures like starting a new business with someone outside of your country. It may help you get more fans for your business or celebrity face book page or on other social media sites.

Improve Your Writing Skills

If you initiate to write a blog, all of a sudden you get into the habit of improving your writing skills and style. You may feel that you are going to be criticized if you make a mistake. This fear is a big footstep that will make you provoked for improving your writing skills. Automatically, you will embark on trying to improve your writing skills while writing more and more posts for your own blog.

Source of Income

On the other hand, a lot of blogs start up with the optimism of making money. Advertisements are to be found on the sidebars and posts, and bloggers are paid per page view or per click. Though there are many unbeaten bloggers out there making a hefty profit through blogging, the vast majority make mere pennies.

Get Immediate Feedback

An author has to hang around months between finishing his/her book and reading the reviews, however bloggers get to read their readers’ comments the same day they get on publish.

This makes blogging a great way to get response on an idea that you want to expand further. Having an outside outlook and a little bit of productive criticism is priceless.

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