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  • The Metaworker: Is the Commander Rules Committee Ruining the Format? (Part 2, Maintaining the Banlist)

The Metaworker: Is the Commander Rules Committee Ruining the Format? (Part 2, Maintaining the Banlist)

At the present time, we are going to analyze the Commander Rules Committee on the other product on the list. Still, it is imperative to read out the part 1 completely to understand this part 2 section. Now, we are going to discuss the Commander Banlist along with the role of the Rules Committee in handling this Banlist.

What is Banlist?

Banlist is actually the term which is used to indicate the list of the cards that are illegal in the provided setup.

Commander Banlist

When it comes to the Commander then it is playable by utilizing the Vintage ban list. It comprises nine ante cards, twenty-five conspiracies as well as two manual dexterity cards. It also includes the Shahrazad. It is that cards list that incorporates the commanding cards in the realm of the game such as the Biorhythm, Tolarian Academy as well as Worldfire.

Commander is actually that format which enables the players to play the game according to their preference, perceiving that earlier shared-contract from the gamers included is sufficient to supersede the certified ban list. At the time when you will see the Tolarian Academy as well as Worldfire opinions, then you will assume that we do not agree with the collection of cards of the Rules Committee. However, in a certain way, we do!

We are going to discuss the Rules and their relation to the Philosophy in this complete series. Still, we would like to mention that the coded rules must be brief and understandable. The reason behind it is that the Rules are of great importance; whenever they are understood and applied in a logical manner. Moreover, the format ban list is the rule that individuals should follow whenever they are playing in accordance with the basic rules.

Bans and Unbans

Protean Hulk – April 24, 2017

We surely believe that it is a great opportunity to let Protean Hulk off the chain. There are various aspects behind our assessment. The maintenance into the community was inclined towards the Protean Hulk. In the Rules Committee, we didn’t have a number of agreements. But now, we do have many! We absolutely recognize that the card will be quite powerful yet are of the conclusion that it would not be the main aspect which it was earlier. A while ago when Protean Hulk was prohibited, the two animals and burial ground control were not powerful like these days. We presume that Protean Hulk will be similar to the Kokusho, the Evening Star at the time when it was not banned at all. It was strong yet not broken into the present setting of Commander.

Leovold, Emissary of Trest – April 24, 2017

We were expecting a lot from Leovold. Due to this reason, we have provided him with many chances to prove that he will be powerful yet protected in the format. However, it was not! We want to empower the conditions in which each person could easily make the most of the play! It is quite simple for the Leovold to make the inverse!

Prophet of Kruphix – January 18, 2016

The existence of strong cards is quite amazing. Still, it is an imperative thing of the Commander to explore them properly

Banned as Commander – September 12, 2014

Some time ago, the Committee managed 2 diverse banlists. The first cards list was banned from the beginning of the game in the section of the command. On the other hand, the second cards list was banned from the main format. It was the method of Commander Rules Committee to increase access to the cards that may be alright when the inconsistency of the 99 card singleton design constrained the access of the gamer to it. However, at the time when the gamers get access to it as in the case, it was easily in their grasp.

Perceived Barrier to Entry

It surely makes a perceived high barrier to the entry. Commander is actually a communally inviting format which has an immense pool of cards. These 2 attributes conflict with regards to particular early Magic cards, regardless of whether they will be satisfactory in their gameplay. It is insufficient that the card is essentially costly. It should likewise be something that will be close-around in any case accessible. Not just that, it adds up to the opinion that the format is solitarily for the audience of the Vintage.

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