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What is a Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaign?

Advertising may be depicted as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to dig up money from it.

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is a well-established form of online marketing that seeks to compel targeted user traffic to a buyer’s website. In short, an advertiser pays a website publisher a precise fee for each rightful visitor click that redirects to the advertiser’s predetermined destination.

Search engine advertising is one of the most conventional forms of PPC. It will let advertisers to bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when someone searches on a keyword that is related to their business offering. For example, if we bid on the keyword “PPC software,” our ad might show up in the very top mark on the Google results page.

Every time our ad is clicked, sending a visitor to our website, we have to pay the search engine a petite fee. When PPC is working properly, the fee is trifling, because the visit is worth more than what you pay for it. In other words, if we shell out $3 for a click, but the click results in a $300 sale, then we’ve made a hefty profit.

Why PPC is Important to Digital Marketing

Pay per click advertising can generate traffic right away. It’s simple,

Pay out enough, get top placement, and potential customers will make out your business first. If folks are searching for the key phrases on which you bid and you have placed a well-written ad, you will get clicks the moment the ad is activated.

PPC advertising is fast

With some systems, such as Google Ad Words, you can make targeted traffic within a few minutes of opening an account.

PPC advertising is also nimble

Anywhere organic search engine marketing or other forms of advertising can lag weeks or months behind changing audience behavior. You can fiddle with most pay per click campaigns in hours or days. That provides matchless ability to adjust to market conditions and changing customer interests.

PPC advertising can also be a bargain

Sometimes, you can stumble on keyword ‘niches’ for which the top bid is a fantastic deal. These are longer, vastly specific phrases that not each one will have taken the time to pursue; “long-tail search terms”. In this case, PPC is a great choice because you can generate highly targeted traffic to your site for a fraction of the cost of any other form of paid advertising.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising Basics

The basic PPC formula is:

Pay-per-click ($) = Total Advertising Cost ($) ÷ Number of Ads clicked.

There are two ways to think about how you want to knob your advertising strategy when it comes to cost.

In some cases you might pay a fixed amount to have an ad on a website for a fixed amount of time. As an example you may pay $100 to have your advertisement on a website for 30 days.

In this state, no matter how many people click on your ads your cost will be $100. So if only one person clicks on your ad then your effectual cost-per-click is $100. Other than if 1,000 people click on your ad then you only paid an average of 10 cents per click. With a fixed ad cost your goal is to make the most of the amount of clicks, or the click through rate.

In other cases you are actually charged for each one click; the more clicks you get the more you pay. In this case you will want to be more conformist with your advertising to ensure that only highly qualified leads are clicking on your ads to minimize your costs and maximize your returns.

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