GP Brisbane is my next big tournament that become my post-ban into post-Aether Revolt Modern. Literally, I spend a lot of time in thinking and testing about the combo of Puresteel Paladin and the Cheerios.
In the combo, it includes the artifacts casting cost, so that it could be easy to draw the cards with the help of Puresteel Paladin or the Sram, Senior Edificer. Eventually, it is helpful for building up the cast storm count at the face of the opponent. With the help of this, the deck is not popular because of a few modern decks.
It is clear while looking at the available lists that there is no consensus for building the deck. The number of runs is available on different lands such as some run get extra Sleight of Hand, some get the 1 Grapeshot run, 3 for Serum Visions and many other.
I thought that it could be a long conversation, so I should avoid this while getting the more approach. To maximize the potential, how you can build with the help of 3 turns off cards? For this exercise, I use the probabilities of the hypergeometric, also I try to keep all these as much simple as I can.
Anatomy of a Cheerio
There are six major categories in the Cheerios deal breaking down cards, such as given below:
- Retracts
- Kills
- Flex slots
- Artifacts
- Lands + Mox Opal
- Engines (Paladin + Sram)
The main question is how to maximize the combination cards probabilities in a shortage of time? And how you built it? The maximum probabilities allow killing 3 goldfish turn. However, I simply ignore all the interacting possibilities of the opponents, such as with the help of counter magic, removal or discards. Now, I consider to focus on the probabilities of the going off maximizing as well as minimizing.
15 or 16 Lands?
While playing, it is important to consider the number of lands. We have to consider many aspects such as thinking about the scenario of success as well as different types of encountering the failure scenarios. Here are the following scenarios:
- The scenario of success: if we have 3 turns, then we can withdraw the 2 or 3 lands.
- The scenario of failure 1: if we have turn 3, then we can draw only 1 land.
- The scenario of failure 2: if we have 3 turns then we can draw 4 lands.
These scenarios are easy to understand. To cast our engine, we want more lands but it doesn’t matter to start with more lands.
 Do we need 8 Engine Cards?
The decision of auto-pilot is taking when you think about converting 4 copies of the deck such as the Sram, Senior Edificer or Puresteel Paladin. If you are want to build your deck throughout the engine, then you need for win purpose. Meanwhile, on the combo off of the battlefield, you need 1 or maybe 2 copies. Whereas, you can draw the mid-combo when you get extra engine cards.
- Success: If you have 3 turns then you can draw two engine cards
- Failure 1: you can draw, 1 or may be greater than 3
- Failure 2: you can think to draw 6 cards.
Do we play 4 or 5 Retract effects?
Perhaps, it could be the final slot through which every person wants to reach the consensus. Additionally, no one considers in the main deck of Hurkyl’s Recall.Just like the lands or engines, we all want more effects of Retract because of the combo. In fact, we do not want Retract, until the card reaches to 12 or 13.
- Success: in the top 13 cards, draw one Retract
- Failure 1: in the top 13 cards, draw zero Retract
- Failure 2: in our all cards, we draw only one Retract.
How many 0-cost equipment?
Usually, the slots vary from the equipment of 20 to 21 pieces. In fact, it is important to see the lookup numbers such as 17 to 22.
So, above all the analysis, in the end, I am providing close to stock for Hurkyl’s Recall. Through my justifications, you can know each and everything to justify my clarifications. I hope that I do not confuse you with all my complicated analysis.