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How to Promote Your Website on Google for Free?

People do not want more information. They are up to their eyeballs in information. They yearn for faith…… faith in you, your goals, your success, in the story you tell.

Websites prop up you 24/7: No employee will do that

You can have the best product in the human race, but without effectual advertising, no one will know about it.

Since you have launched your website on the Internet doesn’t mean that everyone will come flocking to it. The world of website promotion can be daunting and puzzling.

In fact, not a soul will know it exists if you do not get out there and promote it. There are a number of services available to help you get the word out there, but they charge money. Though, there are several ways to get the word out for free. Here are website promotion tips you need to follow to get your page up to the top of the search engines.

There are three things you need to figure out before you jump in:

What you’re promoting– Remember, this doesn’t need to be your life’s mission. In fact, it shouldn’t be. You just need to label your product in a clear and concise way. Keep it plain and to the point and make sure you lay emphasis on why you’re different.

Who you’re promoting it to– Create 2-4 personas for your brand that outline your ideal customers. Be as vivid as possible by including things like job title, favorite device, pay scale, main frustrations & problems, end goals, what they do in their spare time, etc.

Bear in mind that your personas don’t have to be the end all be all. The spotlight here is to define your initial target market that’s small enough you can effectively reach them but large enough to get some sales and feedback to polish what you’re offering (your product/website/brand).

How much you can actually spend on promotion- Thinking there’s no overhead online is mortal. You’ve got to put real numbers behind what you’re doing. Marketing costs money or time so put factual goals in place.

Sketch out your budget, even if it feels arbitrary. Define your product/services costs, profit margins, and what kind of marketing spends gives you a positive return.

Some tried and tested strategies you can draw on to promote your website and increase your traffic, as well as detail exactly how to execute them.

Guest Blogging Services

Guest blogging is a great all‐in‐one method to set up presence within your niche, grow your back link profile and make some connections in the industry all of which are instrumental to prop up your website in the long run.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Keywords Internet Marketing

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is the process of getting your website ranked highly on search engines like Google. Imagine if you were selling flowers, and your website is the number one Google result for “flower delivery”, just how much traffic would your website get?


The “front page of the internet” has vast potential only if you know how to tap it. For the uninitiated, Reddit is a place where you can share and discuss just about any topic that doesn’t go against the rules with its millions of users.

What makes Reddit stand out in particular to marketers is that patent advertising will not work here. Redditors are an unbelievably smart and equally skeptical bunch.  Who will expose your ad from three blocks away and drop a ban on you.


Even though also being classified as an online forum, Quora is a very different animal from Reddit. In a nutshell, it’s a question‐and‐answer site that’s entirely user‐generated. As a Quora user, you can choose to either pose questions or to answer them.

Presume Quora as a knowledge market it’s a great place to respond to questions within your niche, establish authority and generate some traffic for your website along the way. This tactic can take up a lot of your time and requires dedication and some smarts, but can in actuality pay off.

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