Everyone knows about the Eldritch Moon. Usually, modern gems have the way to dig out. However, number 13 is always considered as a special because of the Innistrad world. I simply pick the top 13 cards that are potential in Modern. So, here are discussing below:
MTG Eldritch Moon Card List
Emrakul, the Promised End
Today, the new deck is Emrakul, the Promised Endthat is specifically established for hard casting. Everyone needs the most powerful card that has enough casting. At the moment, I don’t have any kind of shell whether it is good or bad. Is there any RG Tron in the one-off? Certainly, you will focus on how you can reduce the cost of the deck. In the Modern format, there is a tribal that is helpful to win the play game. It is quite easy to find the big card pool as well as different cards of limited criteria.
Distended Mindbender
One of the dangerous mechanics is Mana-reducing, most probably for the R&D. Don’t forget any similar offer because of its existed Kamigawa Betrayers. In Modern, you are unable to see a few skeptical. There is only one Emerge card and that is the Distended Mindbender. You can consider that it is the most powerful card.
Geier Reach Sanitarium
If you want the best utility land, then consider Geier Reach Sanitarium. There are many ways to use active mana. Instantly, we can enable this card because of Dredge deck.
 Selfless Spirit
You can protect your creature with the help of Selfless Spirit because of mass removal. It is beneficial when you target the chord goods just for creature protection. As compared to 2 mana, there is 3 mana, which includes the Dauntless Escort.The best part is, you can protect your card against the Supreme Verdict. Also, you can cost the 1 mana that has a primary target such as the Chord of Calling as well as Anger of the Gods.
Thalia, Heretic Cathar
Thalia 1.0 is annoying rather than 2.0, however, it doesn’t mean thatThalia 1.0 is not relevant. When it’s your turn, first consider your opponent’s plan after that cast the Thalia, Guardian of Thraben.
There is not enough interaction in the matchup of Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. It means that you can easily get you to turn. The Lightning Bolt format is same for controlling the decks. You will get the non-interactive matchups whenever you consider the sideboard.
Curious Homunculus
Have you ever think about the first Homunculus constructed-playable? It means there is a different strategy that converts into Delver. You can choose Blue, because of its best part. In the metagame, there is Temur Delver as well as Grixis Delver.
Haunted Dead
Basically, Haunted Dead comes in the Black color. At the moment, I think to get the deck desperately because I am ditching dradgevine.
Collective Defiance
I am so glad when I get theTolarian Winds. It means a lot that the 3 mana has different modes of cards. Basically, it is helpful in handling the creature of problematic. In addition, there are different supplements that capture the deck.
Gnarlwood Dryad
Are you looking for the final one-drop for aggro? If yes, then consider the Gnarlwood Dryad. But there is a conflict such as the Become Immense. You can assign to block the damage if you have the temple of Gnarlwood Dryad.
Noose Constrictor
You can enable the on-color with the help of Noose Constrictor. However, I generally think that it is easy to try the deck and hard for creatures.
Eldritch Evolution
If you want the one-shot card, then choose Eldritch Evolution. Meanwhile, in the combo deck, you can get the Chord of Calling and the Collected Company. Through this, you will assume that there is not enough room.
Grapple with the Past
You will get an enabler and that is Grapple with the Past. If you simply analyze the text, then you will get the main point. Basically, Insolent Neonate is the return target that provides a flashback result.
Hanweir Battlements
Do you guys remember the Slayers’ Stronghold as well as Boros Garrison? Well, if we simply search the Hanweir Battlements then we will get the efficient result because of untapped lands.
So, the above is the discussion of 13 cards. If you think that I missed any card, then let me now.