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A Complete Guideline to BW Control

We are 16 player team when we decided to go Pro Tour Eldritch Moon. There is the addition of two blood like Marco Cammiluzzi and the Julien Hentry with the regular remain. Most team players arrived before the time, just to spend more time in practice. In the start, we comprised with the United States, Asia Pacific, and Europe players. The most interesting situation occurs when we get the booster packs of a different language. After that, we decided to get our draft packs.

In the pack, there are many packs that are Italian, French, Japanese, Chinese or the English. Additionally, many new cards are also included in this tournament. It is my luck that I get the guide of Eldritch Moon player and seriously it helps a lot. In Standard, our playtesting follows the rule of BGx Delirium.  While looking the result, basically, we cover beats most deck. So, if you are stuck in the situation of improving the matchup toward the BW then you need a DragonlordSilumgar.

Regardless of everything, you can know the trick to beat the deck. There are many players, who are still confused. Most of the player consider the incorrect result and many of them thinking that choosing the anti-Bant is useful. In our team, we have many Bant Company players and as a result, we get the anti-Bant deck.

Black-White Control

Traditionally, the BW control the planeswalker deck. With the help of information, it is easy to play the discard spell. If you get the easy deck, then you can get the BW Control.

So, get the advantages of accumulated and remove the creature. Previously, if you want that you will get 4 turns then it is important to cast the Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. Probably, it is a fact that the Oath of Liliana comes with something different situation. We protected by the turn 4 Gideon with the addition Zombie effect. You will get huge advantages in casting the Oath of Liliana.

Also, it applies not only the Sorin, Grim Nemesis but also the Ob Nixilis Reignited. There are not enough advantages when you don’t have Eldritch Moon new card. Sometimes, it is difficult to convert your turn into the 4 Gideon, 5 Ob Nixilis, and 6 Sorin.

Sideboarding Guide

It is true that the match comes in our favor as well as the opposite for solving the Evolutionary Leap. Regarding this, I just only say that it becomes unfavorable when you play slightly.  In the play, choosing the Evolutionary Leap become the most powerful deck. However, it depends on you that you choose a bunch of planeswalkers, as well as the gigantic Kalitas. If you want to get the better deck from Hangar BackWalker, then there is two option you either choose Eldrazi Displacer or Kalitas. For opposing the Nissa or the Gideon, you can get the help with Reality Smasher.

Against Mirror

If we talking about the pre-boarded games, then it is compulsory to draw less cards. If you have the 10 cards and want to board out, then you need to search for Mirror match. The main advantages of the sideboard game are everybody is fighting only for cards. We usually prefer to use the edge for resolving.

Against Bant Coco

In this match, you need a very large margin. Meanwhile, AgainstBant Coco is the best choice for Bant Company. The most annoying deck is only the Spell Quellers because you have to suffer from the deck. It depends on your choice that you choose TirelessTracker, Collected Company,and the uskwatch Recruiter.

Against RG Ramp

It is the traditional building tricks because there is two easiestways of winning the match. You can cast the Gideon to bash whether it is quick or hard. Additionally, you can transform the cast so Ulamog, the Ceaselss Hunger comes for answering. If you have the turn 4 then you can manage the Gideon otherwise, you simply slightly the odd sideboarding.

Against White Humans and Weenie

Mostly, people are listed the 18 lands to run the White Weenie. However, there are also other cards like Reckless Bushwacker package or the Needle Spires. In case you draw the Languish as well as the removal spells then it could be a good idea.

So, it’s the overall guideline for winning the match. If you think that I miss something, then let me know.

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